Advertiser / client:
Audi Spain

Product or Service advertised:
Audi A3

Creative idea / Concept:
No-one needs an Audi A3. Behind this provocative statement, the Audi A3 minisite identifies the hidden reasons why everyone may need to own one.

And it does so through a curious test in which the user, according to his/her replies, will be led to one of the four versions that make up the Audi A3 range: the Attraction for practical people; the Ambiente for those who focus on detail; the Ambition for those who constantly seek to excel themselves; and the S3 for sports lovers.

The originality of this minisite is based on its special format, a test with four different endings, and the innovative use of sound as an outstanding element. The protagonist is the user and the car is the outcome of his/her decisions, which is fundamental in a car with such a high emotional component such as the A3.

Production Manager: Paula Ohlin
Creative Director: Frédéric Sanz, Esther Pino
Copywriting: Esther Pino
Art Director: Eva Blanch
Screen Designer: Montse Torras
Picture processing: Mariona Soler
Sound: Siete, Música visual
Interactive Director: Joakim Borgström
Client-side programming development: Borja Gómez, Jose Rubio
Flash animation: Natalia Rojas, Oriol Quin
