Advertiser / client:
Audi Spain

Product or Service advertised:
Audi A4

Creative idea / Concept:
Under the creative idea of advancing -moving forward, progressing, evolving, prospering- we introduce the A4 from four different perspectives: dynamics, safety, design and quality, and we focus them from a human, perceptive - movement, tranquillity, beauty, essential perspective-.

The micro site is continuous -circular in structure, with a beginning and an end-, dynamic -the elements move-, and synergic -language, images and music complement each other harmoniously-.

We use human language to communicate with our public. We avoid imperatives and an instructive tone, using direct text in which if something fails to contribute anything, it is left out. Vis-à-vis essentially technical data, we advocate the values and do not linger over specific features if they are not clearly distinctive - we simply name them so that they are illustrative. The images refer to the features of the A4, making up an emotional showroom, and the music plays, creating continuity and forming the ideas.

Production Manager: Paula Ohlin, Natalia Bravo
Project Direction: Daniel Solana
Concept Direction: Edu Pou
Art Direction: Blanca Piera
Screen Design: Anna Coll
Multimedia Direction: Oriol Quin
Interactive Direction: Joakim Borgström
Programming Development: Xavi Caparrós, Natalia Rojas, Borja Gómez
Sound: 7Siete, Música visual
