Advertiser / client:
Audi Spain

Product or Service advertised:
Audi allroad

Creative idea / concept:
The site conveys what it means to have an Audi allroad: to have the best of both worlds in one, single vehicle; and to combine the advantages of a luxurious berlina with those of a magnificent jeep. And this idea is communicated through dual.

The logo is a dual entrance to the web: through the word "Audi" we enter the berlina part, and access is gained to the jeep section through the word "allroad". When accessing the Audi part, the user interacts with motorways and roads, which move horizontally and gently. The text refers to comfort, design and details. And only the upper part of the car is shown. All of these elements convey the idea that the Audi allroad is a luxurious berlina.

When surfing through the allroad section, we discover the lower part of the car, on rocky and sandy land, with bumpy movements. The text refers to the suspension and the four-wheel drive in order to highlight the 4x4 features of the allroad.

The idea of the four heights of the allroad is reinforced by the accordion movement, which is used to shift from one part of the site to another. Only when the user has visited both parts of the Audi allroad can he/she see the car as a whole, and see how it performs on all types of land.

Production Manager: Paula Ohlin, Laura Ruano
Creative Direction: Sebastián Méndez, Daniel Solana
Copywriting: Nuria Martínez, Eduard Pou
Art Direction: Max Turi, Blanca Piera
Screen Designer: Diego Álvarez, Max Turi
Picture processing: Diego Álvarez
Interactive Direction: Filippo Della Casa
Flash animation: Filippo Della Casa
