Diesel Fresh & Bright Superheroes

      Advertiser / client:

Diesel Fresh & Bright


Diesel set us a challenge: to define the identity and tone of the Fresh & Bright brand and create a campaign to launch it and help it achieve global notoriety in all of the countries where Diesel operates. In the words of the client: “We want to be shaken, excited, inspired, and pumped intravenously full of life through the eyes. The acid test is: if the Diesel logo is removed, could any other brand's logo be placed on instead? Must stand out like a sore penis.”

Creative side:
We created the Diesel Fresh & Bright Superheroes: a series of characters inspired by the world of ‘70s comics and TV shows; they wear their underwear over their clothes and their powers are connected to the colors of the Fresh & Bright collection. On the website, set up like a comic book gallery, users can discover superheroes like Mr. Naker (a man who can undress any woman, in his mind), Lalalady (the diva who turns her critics into fans), Supperman (the hero who opens doors wherever he goes), Miss Dismiss (the untouchable woman who knows how to make men keep their distance), as well as Dr. Score, Visible Woman, Iron Boy (Iron Man’s secret love child) and Mistress of Puppies. Web users can take off each superhero’s costume as they explore their superpowers; they can acquire their powers (which are linked to the particular undergarments each superhero wears) and spread them virally on the internet and social media.


              Website: Diesel Fresh & Bright Superheroes